Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Steps to Newman

It always seems that when I am the farthest down in the dumps God answers with hope and purpose. It has been a long few weeks, not necessarily stressful...but trying...emotionally, sometimes physically, and spiritually. Discernment is not easy, i'm not sure it is meant to be. Matching our wants and needs with what God wants for us is hard to do, it should be easy but it's hard to let go.

Strangely the steps to Newman Hall have become a place of comfort. I remember sitting here as a Super-senior ready to graduate, to go out into the world...wondering where/how I would find a community like this. I now find myself, on occasion, drifting back to these very same steps...just to sit down and reflect on how far i've come since that night...and te ways in which I have not left these steps. They are a blessing; a "concrete" (excuse the pun) representation of where God calls me.

I don't know where i'm going, or exactly what i'm supposed to be doing. I'm scared, and searching for the next level of that I can go deeper with. I need a community where I can make it about me everyonce in a while and not feel like a selfish jerk...I need to open up and let it loose. I need to find steps that allow me to look out onto the world, and not just reflect on the past.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Stuck in 1st Gear

I am not sure what it is but I continue to struggle with the age old question in my vocation. "I want a girlfriend but I don't think I have enough time for one, but am I willing to make time or am I just selfish?"

I struggle with not having someone to share my life with...with a lot of my friends getting married I don't even have what resembles a relationship. I understand and realize that not everyone is called to a married vocation...but I also struggle with not having someone there to spend time with. There are plenty of girls who I think would fit the role, but I have either been friend zoned or am looked up to as a big brother not dating material. I also sit in the awkward situation that I am in a campus ministry role and whether or not that is kosher to date...and I probably don't help myself by being known as the awkward guy.

I just want to have another chance at a dating relationship. I have failed in the past but I hope to have learned from those and apply them to the future. I want to move forward...but I feel like I am stuck in this gear for life...