I recently found an article online "Chivalry is out of style" by Matt Walsh...the link is at the bottom...and it struck me, enough to say my peace.
I found a few sections of this article stood out to me:
"Chivalry, on the other hand, had a POINT. And the point was deep and substantive. It was a point that rested on an understanding of human nature, and an earnest desire to battle our basest instincts. The point was never “subjugation of women” or “male dominance.” Quite the opposite, in fact. The point was love, and sacrifice, and service. The point was to make a statement that we are not beasts; we are not mere products of dog-eat-dog evolution. We will not live in a world where just the physically strongest survive. Women can only be slaves in a world like that, as history has proven many times."
Genesis 1:26 says, "Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground." Men were put on this earth to rule over it...but then God made woman(Eve), that she might stand beside Adam as an equal. Chivalry means that we are called to be more than just woman's equal, that we might protect her and bring her closer to her God and strengthen her faith. How does holding a door strengthen a woman's faith?
In the mean time, as a routine matter, chivalry is still essential. Men should carry bags, and hold doors, and pull out chairs, and offer seats to women, not because women are incapable of standing or opening their own doors, but because of what these acts represent — what they say. And what they say is simple: “I am bigger and stronger than you, but I will use my strength to honor you and protect you. I will not hurt you. I will not take advantage of you. I will humble myself before you and serve you.”
Chivalry is NOT dead...it has been forgotten by many, but it still lives in the hearts of men who wish to live out their vocations as fathers...at least it should. Men...we have a calling. We are not called to be bums who simply earn a paycheck to put food on the table. More is expected then for us to get married and populate the earth. While these are essential parts of our lives, it is not our true calling. We are called to bring our spouse (and for all the single guys, our future spouses...and every woman in general) to meet St. Peter at the pearly gates. For when we bring others to heaven, we reserve our place as well.
God chose a young virgin to bear his son, an infant who would rule over nations, but he did not leave her to fend for herself. He provided a man who would stand by her side when times were tough. St. Joseph showed the world to trust in God and his messengers. Joseph was told that the woman he was about to make his wife was already with child, (a call for stoning in that time). He was also called to a life of chastity that his bride would remain pure. The guts this man had to live out his life for his God!
I have heard "chivalry is dead" since high school. It always made me sad to hear that people, especially girls, felt that way. But it was that feeling that challenged me. I wanted to fight for chivalry, I did not want to live in a generation that saw the death of honor and respect for the opposite sex. I am not saying that I am perfect, or that I have never been unchivalrous, but I have always hoped to live for others. Chivalry to me means being called to something more than the average, to go above and beyond what is expected.
There are a few fighters out there...we were taught by our parents that there is only one way to treat a lady, with respect! If one day we find ourselves blessed with children of our own it is our duty to pass on that lesson, in the way we treat our wives.
Chivalry is out of style - Matt Walsh